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Spirulina & Chlorella: A Match Made In Health Heaven

Spirulina & Chlorella: A Match Made In Health Heaven

Spirulina and Chlorella are both powerful foods. Combine them and well, yeah, they’re even more powerful. 

Let’s first dive into Spirulina.

Spirulina is a blue-green algae. It’s a freshwater plant that you might see at the top of a pond. Really. And you know that buzz term ‘superfoods’? Spirulina falls into that category too. It’s known as a superfood. This health inducing algae normally grows in lakes that are located in warmer climates such as South America or Africa, but Spirulina does grow in the United States as well.

It probably seems odd to you that an algae on the top of a pond can truly benefit your health. We don’t blame you. In fact, we would think it was a bit odd if you didn’t think it was odd that algae on the top of a pond could benefit your health.

For many years (as far back as the Aztecs in the fourteenth century), Spirulina was not widely accepted. It took time for people to come to terms with the fact that this algae could really help them. As people began to understand the benefits of Spirulina, it become more accepted and evolved to where it is now - widely accepted.

The benefits are very clear.

Spirulina Benefits

Detoxifier: An effective detoxifier. Spirulina can actually treat arsenic poisoning.

Vitamins & Minerals: Great source of B vitamins, B12 vitamins, iodine, phosphorous, calcium and magnesium.

Manages Cholesterol: You can exercise to manage your cholesterol, but as you know, you should eat properly as well. Furthermore, Spirulina can help you lower your cholesterol.

Knocks Out Allergies: Allergies are highly common. Spirulina can help knock out allergies as it helps to stop the release of histamine (the main cause for allergies). Yes, that also means Spirulina can help with nasal congestion, sneezing, itching, etc.

Full of Protein: It’s full of protein. Spirulina contains a substantial amount of amino acids and 50 to 70% of its weight is protein.

Lowers Blood Pressure: Assuming you want to lower your blood pressure, Spirulina can help you there too.

Fights Cancer: It can help fight cancer by preventing tumors; Spirulina has often been known to effectively fight oral cancer.

Even though we just listed a bunch of benefits, there are actually several other benefits as well that Spirulina provides to your health.

In addition to the benefits listed above, Spirulina can help to protect your brain, keep your skin healthy, help you lose weight, improve muscle strength and endurance, boost your immunity and much more. Seriously. Much more… it possesses anti inflammatory properties, can fight liver disease, treat hepatitis C, manage HIV/Aids, preserve bone health and the list keeps going.

So now let’s talk about Chlorella. Chlorella is a green algae. Furthermore, it’s also a ‘superfood’.

Chlorella Benefits

Detoxifier: Chlorella can be used to help detoxify your body from heavy metals, radiation and chemotherapy.

Look Younger: Have you ever thought about buying something to make yourself look younger? Is it safe to say you didn’t have Chlorella in your mind if you ever thought about buying something that could help you look younger? Maybe you should have, because Chlorella can help you look younger. It reduces oxidative stress and increases your levels of vitamin A, vitamin C and glutathione, which helps to protect your cells. In turn, your skin looks healthier and younger.

Lose Weight: We all want to lose weight at some point, unless you’re one of the lucky few who has never had any sort of weight issue. Chlorella helps you lose weight by improving your metabolism.

Strengthens Immunity: Most human bodies produce cancer cells. Chlorella helps to beat cancer by removing heavy metals and toxins from your body, increasing the action of T cells which assist in fighting abnormal cells and by strengthening your immune system.

Manages Cholestorol: If you have diabetes, Chlorella can be especially helpful, although it can be very helpful even if you don’t have diabetes. Chlorella helps to lower your cholesterol and blood sugar.

Spirulina and Chlorella have some of the same benefits as well as different benefits. All of their benefits are quite awesome though when it comes to improving your health.

So, what did we do? We did what was best for our clients otherwise known as our Herb Affair family… We sourced Spirulina & Chlorella tablets.

Yup…fresh, high quality Spirulina and Chlorella combined in one silky smooth tablet.


  • Third Party Lab Tested
  • ZERO Impurities
  • ZERO Additives
  • ZERO Preservatives
  • ZERO Pesticides
  • ZERO Artificial Flavors

  • Detoxifies your body.
  • Lowers your cholesterol.
  • Knocks out your allergies.
  • Strengthens your immune system.
  • Lowers your blood pressure.
  • Makes you look younger.
  • Provides you with necessary vitamins.
  • And SO much more!

    You can read more details above that break down the benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella. As you see (and will soon see in real life), the combination of Spirulina and Chlorella together is powerful.

  • 250 mg per tablet
  • Each tablet is made of 60% protein

    Suggested Serving:
  • 12 to 20 tablets or if you’re using these as a substitute for protein, then 40 to 60 tablets is recommended.

    These tablets are the best way to get the amazing effects of Spirulina and Chlorella in one sitting.

    If you’re ready to get these pure, fresh, high quality pills that will go smoothly down your throat and induce positive health effects throughout your body, then you can do so right….here….

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    Spirulina is the best superfood available on earth. It contains more than 60% protein content. It is useful for all age categories. There are various spirulina products like Organic Spirulina Capsules. People should use it according to their choice. Your post will motivate them to use it and improve their health.

    Organic Spirulina Capsules

    Spirulina is one of the best superfood available on earth. It contains highest percentage of protein but people do not know it. There are various products available in nature like Organic spirulina tablet, capsules etc. Your post will motivate people.
    Thanks For the post!

    Organic Spirulina Tablets

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