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Five Herbs to Beat Spring and Summer Allergies

Five Herbs to Beat Spring and Summer Allergies

Herbs can help with almost any health condition, including the allergies that make your life miserable during the spring and summer months. There are several herbal options to choose from, as well as many ways to use them, making this a quick and convenient way to get your allergies under control. Since different herbs work differently, you may benefit from combining two or more herbs to make a more comprehensive remedy for your allergies and the symptoms that they cause.

Before you start using herbs to keep your allergies under control, make sure that you talk to your doctor first. You want to ensure that the herbs that you choose are going to be safe for you. Your doctor may also be able to assist you in choosing the best herbs and administration methods so that you have the best chance at getting positive results. You can also talk to your pharmacist to get some advice and information about herbs. This is especially important if you take any other medications or herbs since you want to avoid potentially dangerous interactions.

Picking the Best Herbs for Your Warm Weather Allergies

With all of the different herbs available, it can get overwhelming trying to narrow down the ones that will be of most benefit for your allergies. However, if you have a list of five, you can quickly do your research, talk to your doctor and pick out one or two that are most likely to help you find relief. There are five herbs that are most commonly used for spring and summer allergies because they are versatile and most likely to produce positive results. Choosing any of these five herbs is likely to help you breathe easier in the spring and summer months.

1. Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle may sound a little scary, but it is one of the most effective herbs for fighting against allergies. Its primary actions against allergies include reducing histamine production and inflammation. Histamine is a substance that is released when you come into contact with an allergen. This substance is responsible for the itching, runny nose, red eyes and other symptoms that come along with allergies. Inflammation typically results from histamine release to help the body fight off the things that you are allergic to.

The easiest way to use this herb is in the form of a tea. You can purchase the dried leaves and then steep them in boiling water. Your doctor or an herbalist can tell you how much of the dried leaves to use and how many cups per day, since this will ultimately depend on the brand that you use.

2. Ginger

While ginger is most popular for its ability to help with tummy troubles, it is also quite effective when it comes to allergies and their symptoms. Allergies can cause inflammation to affect the respiratory tract in the body. This herb helps to calm this inflammation so that the associated symptoms are decreased.

You can use ginger in many ways to help calm your allergy symptoms and the inflammation that causes them. You can make a tea using fresh ginger or put dried ginger into clear capsules to take orally. Another option is ginger candy, especially for children who are not likely to take a pill or drink ginger tea.

3. Black Elderberry

This herb is more helpful for the symptoms of allergies than the allergies themselves. However, it is able to boost the immune system so this could help to reduce the severity of allergies for some people. It can also help to prevent further illness when allergies are making you more vulnerable to pathogens. The primary use of black elderberry is to alleviate the congestion that comes with allergies. In turn, this helps to alleviate the coughing that occurs when your body is trying to get rid of congestion.

Making a black elderberry tea is the best option because this helps with congestion and coughing while also being soothing for your throat. Steep the berries along with some raw honey to make a tea. Talk to an herbalist for exact dosing and administration instructions.

4. Bilberry

Bilberry is an herb that contains quercetin, a substance that has powerful effects against allergies. This substance has the ability to block histamine release so that the histamine cannot cause allergy symptoms. This should be taken daily during the spring and summer because it works as a preventative method to keep your allergies under control. An herbalist can help you to determine the right dose since it will be different for everyone and should be tailored to the severity of your allergies and allergy symptoms.

The best ways to consume bilberry is as a tea or in capsule form. The tea requires about 15 minutes of steeping and you can use an organic honey to sweeten it and soothe your throat.

5. Licorice

The licorice herb has been used for centuries to fight against allergies and their symptoms. It helps to remove mucus to prevent congestion, as well as reduce the inflammation in the sinuses and respiratory tract that occurs with allergies. This can be used as a regular allergy remedy or as an acute treatment when your symptoms are more severe than they normally are. Licorice tea is a popular choice for using licorice as part of an anti-allergy regimen, as well as taking capsules that contain the dried version of this root.

The herbs discussed here have a lot of science backing their use for spring and summer allergies. In fact, some doctors even recommend these herbs for allergies to patients who either rather try something natural or those who are not getting relief from traditional anti-allergy medications. Just make sure that you choose an administration route that is easy for you and that you administer a dose of the herbs per the instructions that you get from your doctor. This will ensure optimal safety with using herbs and help to ensure that you get the most benefit. 

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